Sunday, January 28, 2007


How does Faith relate to the world in which we live?
The word faith alone means confidence or trust in a person or thing. Usually faith is used in religion or in person. People have faith in their family, friends, and in God. Faith is the biggest part of a human's life that is needed, but humans are weak in a way that their faith quickly weaken. Satan knows that humans are weak in their faith that he would use all his powers to prevent people to obey God and promote sin in this world. However, most Christians are able to trust God that he would lead them not into temptation. People believe and have faith that God exists. By that faith, people are able to go through hardships in their life having trust that God would help and fix their problems. Everyone in this world has faith. They may not have faith in God, but they have faith in families and friends. Faith alone allows humans to believe and have trust in others. However, everyone has different beliefs and faiths due to cultural differences or having different world views. Such as the Sawi village thought or had faith that by betrayal and trechary would be the only way to survive or show power. The Sawi villagers also believed that the "Peace Child" was the only way to make peace. This shows how painful and hard it was for the Sawi villagers to have peace with others. One man, Don Richardson was able to change the world view and faith of the whole Sawi village. One man's belief was able change the minds of Sawi to have faith in God. Faith alone is needed in this world, but some faiths are not always moral. For people to have moral faith what do we need to do? As there is a pharse that "Actions speak louder than words" people need to start showing moral faith through actions in their characters and thoughts. By human action, faith can change as Don Richardson changed the faith of the Sawi.


Gracie said...

I'm the first one to post a comment :) yeah ~

Carol, this post was very captivating. Your description of faith melted into my heart - every single word. I think as people, there are so many factors in this world that distract us from the faith we have. Especially for me, I have faith in God, but there are many times I let him go because of my pride and the temptations of the world. Let's keep up our faith throughout our lives, and trust with all our heart in the plans that God has for us. Although faith is hard to maintain perpetually, let's don't get distressed, but have confidence and belief. Honey, I have a strong FAITH in who you'll be 20 years from now. And I believe that you'll be perceiving your deepest goals in life - I HAVE FAITH <33

African Globe Trotters. said...

Caroline, you have written a lovely post. Your ideas are sound and you show insight into the novel. Mrs.Mc.